The Horn Guys - Robert Tucci Sound Energy Euphonium Mouthpiece
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Robert Tucci Sound Energy Euphonium Mouthpiece

$80.00 $95.00

Item Details

This is a set of euphonium mouthpieces designed and produced by Robert Tucci in Germany.  Older versions of these sizes have sold under the Perantucci brand in the past.  These are the updated versions.


  Cup Diameter Bore Rim Width Notes
5C 26.00 mm 7.32 mm 6.75 mm Cup volume, throat and backbore balanced for a rich and resonant sound with a clear center.
Unique wide cup design.
6C 25.00 mm 7.15 mm 7.00 mm Rich euphonium tonal character with clear response in all registers., Versatile high-volume mouthpiece ideal for solo and ensemble performance.  Long throat with flat taper backbore.
7C 26.00 mm 7.50 mm 6.75 mm A truly large euphonium mouthpiece
enable great volume and depth of tone.
Ideal for strong players performing in large ensembles.  Open backbore.


From Robert Tucci:

Many thanks for the comment on the RT Euphonium mouthpieces.  At the
time we started with the 4AL, the SM 3.5 and another base model we had. 
At the time, both the 4AL and the 51D were in the computer files at the
factory. When Besson was still Besson they had the 4AL made there, also
some of the other DW models.  The 51D based mouthpiece had been made for
Willi K. in fact, supplies with the TA-2900 and other Euphoniums.  In
short, the base models were programmed and could be modified as
required. For that purpose I had an excellent US Army Band Euphonium
player, Fred Meyer, at the factory for two days.  Fred had both a
Willson and a Yamaha, I had my beautiful vintage Hirsbrunner.  Later and
together with Mark Carter we had David Thorton and Michael Howley, two
top UK Euphonium artists at the factory, again for two days each. 
Michael had a rather good old 4AL so we had a realistic basis for
comparison.  The rest is history: CM sold many PT Euphonium mouthpieces,
we sold them here as well and Mark got things moving in the UK.  This
was all several years ago, dates back to 2009-2010.  The PT / now RT-6C
has been the best seller.  Looking and listening it seems that most artist Euphonium
mouthpieces tend toward "heavy(ier) shell" designs. One of our best artists in
China uses the 6C with an off-the-shell booster. 

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