The Horn Guys - K&M 14990 Heavy Duty Trombone Stand
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K&M 14990 Heavy Duty Trombone Stand

$78.00 $97.00

Item Details

This is our favorite trombone stand and use these in our store for any wayward trombones.  If you've got a bass trombone, you want this K&M stand.  Other trombonists will like it too.  The stand is very stable with its wide leg spread and steel construction. It also folds to a relatively small size for easy travel.  Several simple adjustments allow it to support nearly any trombone.  This stand is a bit heavier than some others, but the extra weight is worth it for those who embrace a worry-free lifestyle.  That means not having to worry about your unattended trombone taking a tumble.  With this stand, your baby is safe.  You've seen this stand sold in years past in black finish as the UMI trombone stand.  As the K&M stand, it was made in nickel, and now again it's black by popular request.  We think a black stand becomes somewhat invisible in a dark orchestra pit, but you can put a small bright piece of tape on the top to mark your territory for landing.  You know how pit orchestra gigs go.  As soon as the tune is finished, you want to slam your horn down and pick up the magazine you were reading while you were counting rests.

The Miraphone BBb and CC contrabass trombones will fit well on this stand.  We recommend adjusting the stand height so that the end of your double slide rests gently on the floor.  That way the bell throat is not stressed as much.  For F contrabass trombones, we recommend the Horn Guys contrabass stand.

Made in Germany.  This stand should last you forever, and replacement parts are readily available.  Weight = 3.4 pounds

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