The Horn Guys - Daily Scale Builder for Trumpet by Rob Roy McGregor, pub. Balquhidder
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Daily Scale Builder for Trumpet by Rob Roy McGregor, pub. Balquhidder


Item Details

Rob plays trumpet with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. Revised and augmented 2002.

A scale book that compliments and extends other books already available.  This one contains patterns designed to lead the student through greater mastery of the scales from an intermediate level through college.  All the major and minor scales are covered in depth, through a variety of formats.  Also chromatic, whole tone, pentatonic, modes, some augmented and Diminished patterns.  Velocity and range exercises round it out.  Also included is a reference table that shows each major scale with its relative minors in their four forms and a circle of keys illustration that demonstrates how the keys are related to each other.


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