The Horn Guys - Bob McChesney Jazz Solo Transcriptions by Rob Egerton
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Bob McChesney Jazz Solo Transcriptions by Rob Egerton


Item Details

Internationally renowned trombonist Bob McChesney is a product of the Baltimore, Maryland public school music programs, and is primarily a self-taught virtuoso. He developed a technique by which he could play fast groupings of notes on the trombone that sounded like a saxophone or trumpet.  At the time (when he was a child), he didn't know that the technique was known as 'doodle tonguing', and has since written a treatise on the subject entitled 'Doodle Studies and Etudes'.  McChesney has become an internationally recognized soloist of both jazz and classical repertoire.

Rob Egerton, an English Trombonist and Brass Tutor working in Lincolnshire, has transcribed these McChesney solos.

Egerton says:

'The chord changes [ these transcriptions...] have been included to assist you in understanding McChesney's thought process in improvising, and to allow you to perform the solos yourself.'

Solos include: America * Here's That Rainy Day * Sultry Samba * Meet Me Where They Play The Blues * Some Bones Of Contention * Playing The Field * Ruby * Leave It To Beave * Compilation * Chittlins * Yours Or Mine Blues * Straight No Chaser * Road Rage.

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